Medicare, What?

3 years ago

Just turned 65 and signed up for Medicare even though I am still working and plan to continue to keep working. Thought it would be a good idea to have backup. And then I got a bill in the mail for 594 dollars that has to be paid four times a year. What??? I just paid into Medicare for over forty years, but now I have to pay nearly 2400 dollars a year for Part B for doctor's visits. What??? Why can't I just pay in cash, it would be much cheaper? Like nearly all government programs, it's about controlling the masses. Health care has long been the tool of tyrants to do just that. The government health care industrial complex has distorted and damaged so much in health care. Medicare and Medicaid and other third party pay are the high cost of health care.
Government health care should be fazed out in favor of direct pay, with such options as health savings accounts with high deductibles for catastrophic. Private charity is the answer for the poor, it worked well before Medicaid.

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