World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

3 years ago

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The Land of Sky Regional Council is proud to share in this national conversation. It is hard for older people to stay involved with and connected to our communities as they age. As a result, older people are more likely to experience isolation and loneliness, which increases the likelihood of abuse and neglect.
Older adults who are socially connected and protected from harm are less likely to be hospitalized, less likely to go into nursing homes and less likely to die.
We can and must create healthier and safer living environments for older adults, including their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.
We can all help to Prevent Elder Abuse.
Call or visit our older loved ones and ask how they are doing on a regular basis.
Sign up to be a friendly visitor to an older person in our communities.
You can do this by being a part of our Senior Companion Program at the Land of Sky Regional Council.

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