The Art of Chaim Bill Meyer by Shimon Cowen

3 years ago

Part 1
What is religious art?
Presenter: Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen, Director of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization and author of The Art of Chaim Bill Meyer and Aesthetics and the Divine – Engaging Artists, Fostering Religious Art
Part 2
Religious belief and the education of artists
Presenter: Victor Majzner, Australian Jewish Artist and former Head of Painting, Victorian College of the Arts
Part 3
Discussion with the artist
The artist Chaim Bill Meyer is both an established artist, whose work is represented in National Collections, including the British Tate Gallery and the National Gallery of Australia, and is a practising orthodox Jew
Participants in the Zoom seminar will have the opportunity to purchase or order the new book, the Art of Chaim Bill Meyer at a special discounted price.
Enquiries: and or the website

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