PWG Exclusive 5.6.21 2021 Penecost, Blood Moon, Rapture?

3 years ago

s Pentecost (Shavuot in Hebrew) therefore fully fullfilled? No. We've seen a conception (did you know that scientists have noticed a little 'spark' while a conception takes place in the lab?) in Acts 2 and that pregnancy (the growth of the Body of Christ) is taking 1986 years already? But where's the birth? Jesus continually talks about birth pangs when He is addressing His return and the great tribulation (Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21), just like all the prophets (Isaiah 66:7-9, Jeremiah 30:6, and so on.) Even the apostles write about this extensively, as we see for example in Revelation 12. This chapter was traditionally viewed as the birth of Jesus, but that's not a logical assumption. Because if it was, this wouldn't be a revelation to John. Plus, Jesus ascended peacefully, He wasn't snatched away for the devouring teeth of the dragon, or satan (Rev. 12:9). He had just beaten him! We should also not let our minds be clouded by the iron rod that is spoken of in verse 5 of Revelation 12, because that same John wrote in Revelation 2:26-27 that we would also receive that iron rod to reign with Him (that's being acknowledged in Rev. 20:4-6 again). Jesus is the Head and we are the body of Christ (Colossians 1:18). 'But, isn't that weird?' you say. 'A birth that takes place on the same day as the day of the conception?' That is of course impossible, if we reason as humans, but how about a pregnancy of 1986 years already? For that reason, it might be interesting to look into the next argument.

2. Enoch as a type
According to a rabbinical tradition, Enoch was born on the day of his conception, but also raptured on that same day! And what if I told you that this day is the same day the Hebrews celebrate Pentecost? The Jews however got this tradition from 2 Enoch, a book that I would not recommend christians to read (in contrast to 1 Enoch, which doesn't seem to contradict the Bible in any way), but besides the bad doctrines, there could be a historical truth in there. Does this mean that we christians will be raptured on Pentecost per say? If that is the case, this would be the least convincing argument of all, just for the reason that we can't make doctrin out of a type and even more; this comes from a source that we christians better shouldn't read. But there's more reasons!

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