Wellness and Homestead Q&A with Mark and Jill

3 years ago

Wellness Wednesday: making yourself regenerative
All your opportunities to come to the farm! www.BakersGreenAcres.com/anyone-can-farm
Your questions!
(0:20) Update on the mushroom logs
(0:22) Following homestead beef cows and pastured pigs with pastured hens
(0:32) Keeping a boar with sows;
Planting forage for pasture raised heritage hogs: regenerative forage system
(0:49) Planting forage where chickens were
(0:57) Butchering bulls and boars
(1:05) Adding organic material to pig fields
(1:07) Rabbits on the homestead
(1:13) using sorghum sudan grass for forage feed
Anyone Can Farm!

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** www.bakersgreenacres.com
Recommended reading for the homesteader:
** Joel Salatin's Pastured Poultry Profits: https://amzn.to/2HOnR4g
** Joel's Salad Bar Beef: https://amzn.to/2WvV6fO

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