3 years ago

It's one thing to set a goal. How many times have you set a goal for yourself only to watch it pass you by? ✌🏻

❓How often do you let your goals fall to the wayside because you got too far behind or weren't as prepared as you thought? 🤔💭

👌🏻I've gathered 5 crucial steps to creating more effective, achievable goals! 🥅

🥰Give them a try and see what you can accomplish!

🖼1. Set a big picture goal first – and think about the "why"

🎯What's the mission of your goal?

👨🏻‍💻 What do you hope to do by achieving that thing? Maybe you want to reach a certain number of followers or subscribers – what does that mean for you? Think about the big picture, especially the why behind doing what you're doing! 💁🏻‍♀️

< 2. Set smaller goals to lead you to the big one

💎 Give yourself some stepping stones to reach that overall goal. What smaller things do you need to do to get there? 🏆

✍🏻Make a list of the steps you need to take, and think about them as smaller goals to be achieved! Taking your big-picture goal and breaking it up into smaller short-term goals is a fantastic way to accomplish a lot without ever getting overwhelmed.🤩

😎 3. Share your goals with other people

🧾 Accountability is such an important factor in achieving success. Talk to a friend or a mentor about your goals. 🍹

🙂Sometimes, just having a conversation about what you want to achieve can offer you a new perspective, clarity on an issue, or even the motivation of knowing someone is waiting to see what you accomplish! 😳

🛤 4. Track your progress

🚀 Give yourself a space to track the progress you make on your goal.

📝Write down the tasks you completed, check off the list of smaller goals. Do what you need to do in order to show that progress to yourself! 💪🏻

👍🏻Keeping a list of the things you've already done can serve as motivation for all the things you're going to do.😉

🥳 5. Celebrate successes

👩🏻‍🦰 Finally, give yourself something to look forward to! 💆🏻‍♀️

🍾Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This is another stage where talking to others about your goals can be a game-changer. 🎉

If you have somebody to celebrate with you, it makes winning all the more fun! 🧑🏻‍🎓

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