Senate Hearing - "State of Pandemic and Development of Out Patient Treatments"

3 years ago

Dr. Pierre Kory is board-certified in critical medicine, pulmonary diseases, and internal medicine. He has worked closely with critical COVID-19 patients across the US throughout the pandemic. He is the chief of the critical care service and medical director of the trauma and life support center at the University of Wisconsin.

In May of 2020, Dr. Kory addressed the US Senate regarding the use of corticosteroids in critical care for COVID-19, and his proposal turned out to be live-saving for many patients. On December 8, he appeared as a witness before the senate again. Taking part in the hearing called “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution”, he presented a new treatment protocol called I-MASK+ and the use of repurposed drug ivermectin, which the FLCCC Alliance has been tirelessly researching.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, that Dr. Kory is the president of, was initially formed as a working group under emergency conditions. Their founding members include professors, pulmonary and critical care specialists, and physicians, who dedicate their time to the nonprofit cause of repurposing efficacious drugs rather than focusing on costly and lengthy processes of developing new drugs and vaccines.

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