Millions take to the streets to protest lock downs world wide

3 years ago

I am so proud of the millions worldwide who took to the streets yesterday to say FU to their lockdowns, masks, tests and deadly experimental vaccines. This is what the news won’t cover. They will only say a few hundred turned up and what an outright lie that is. Enough is enough. They hide the vaccine death count and injuries while destroying lives. Enough is enough. To stay silent now is compliance. I will remember those who layed down and didn’t standup to protect our freedoms. I see you. The world sees you. SHARE this video far and wide. PS. Well done to whomever made this video 👏🏽 #JustSayNo #worldwidedemonstration #Covidvaccinevictims HTTPS://T.ME/COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS

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