NanoTechnology/ Mark of the Beast? Hack your mind? Revelation 13

3 years ago

If this technology is software like a computer ( as written on modernas website) and it hooks up to this new 5G network; could we be in trouble?

Why does the CDC Government website say zombie preparedness?
Why are they injecting people with non FDA approved bio weapons?
If this technology is used for brain surgery can it be used to hack your brain?
This technology is computer software... Alarming isn't it?

Our DNA has a specific code and they have learnt how to mimic this with computer coding. One varying protein can alter our DNA.
WHY is there suddenly a rise in Covid cases since the rollouts?

Have you ever noticed the doctor symbol (Caduceus) is a serpent wrapped around a staff?
Have you put your faith in the serpent without realizing it?
It's also a symbol of Hermes and alchemy.
This technology comes from the TECH GIANTS... As in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the son of man. Giants were on the earth in those days. They were taught forbidden knowledge from the Fallen and they taught humans this knowledge.

Now is the time to pray to our Heavenly Father for wisdom and truth. Religion has kept people blinded from the truth that's written in the scriptures. The enemy has fooled people into racism; white vs black... But the true race war is between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.
Wake up...! Because there's no turning back once you sell your soul to the devils transhumanism... The fallen that sinned against our heavenly father are not redeemable.
They are angry because we are redeemable. Their plan is to make us unredeemable like them.
Do not look to the left or the right but face straight towards your Heavenly Father.

May our Father bless you and keep you safe. Amein

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