Modern Concubines -- Hoes Destroying Marriage?

3 years ago

Will Destruction of Marriage Lead to Collapse of the West?

Intro: Chastity is Dead—Not long ago, family warnings passed from parent to child on avoiding unwise hookups and dodging defective partners, such as the promiscuous tart. Roman historian Tacitus offered this gem—“A woman who’s lost her chastity will stoop to anything.” Yet now, the category of un-chastity no longer exists since “slut shaming” is immoral—despite female’s sexual history being a statistical premonition of marital longevity. Overall, decline in romantic relationships from the 60’s till now is everywhere obvious. And yet—no element more influences human happiness and productivity than marital stability. Perhaps why, in Proverbs, Solomon spent many chapters warning of the dangers of the immoral woman. Divorce is a huge annihilator of wealth.

Lifelong Love’s Swan Dive:

Is lifelong love anymore an aspiration? Then why keep replaying the traditional marriage vow swearing—“till death do us part,”? Wisdom penned a thousand years ago, now irrelevant. Marriage is abandoned as we trifle with novelty, a ceremony no longer religious. Functionally, women now co-inhabit the same spaces as men. Today, intimate relationships—often cohabitation—are temporary collaborations, averaging 15 months! And in a society where gender itself, let alone marriage, is fluid, we’ve obviously lost the theory of romantic love. It’s no longer discussed in song or society. But doesn’t this imply every yesteryear invocation of ethereal and undying love was simply a mirage? If past generations views on love were a hoax, why did they seem happier than us?

Past Trashed:

Today most feel an enlightened superiority over the past. Females are taught women of the past were chattel and the way forward is to find a career and independence. Marriage is an afterthought. It’s only later that regrets emerge. And if it’s pointed out such a life is not only ephemeral but lacking genuine meaning, the audience blinks in confusion. For a career can never replace permanent unions and children, despite ceaseless propaganda. So why teach default Feminism to young women?

Modern Concubines:

A world evolved where intimacy is pornographic and fleeting, a demimonde where sex is transactional and meaningless. Consider a woman, as a live-in lover, boasts the same basic status as ancient concubines: “A concubine defined by Jewish law was a woman dedicating herself to a particular man, with whom she cohabits without marriage.” The modern relationship is just as unstable, the female sans marital rights, and children produced akin to fly-by-night hostages. Does this modern innovation work? Actually, fatherless children born outside marriage, suffer an astounding litany of ills. (see article for rest)

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