Daddy Is Speaking, To the Prodigal One Who Considered Suicide

3 years ago

The Father never stops running, peering out, waiting for his prodigal child to come home. He tries time and time again to get our attention to show us that all we need is in Him, and the Kingdom is ours to inherit. But often, too many times, we are lured away by enticements of this life which leave us wanting.

You then become resistant to everything that is God, and good. The world takes you down a path into a lifestyle that is vain, immoral, and fleeting. Full of late nights of partying, drugs, drinking, and dancing your life away. You find your value in your looks, appearances, and the latest fashions as you’re fed by the demons of avarice and vanity.

You thirst for love, acceptance, and attention all the while being tormented by voices from your childhood, your past, and those whom you have loved who tore you down with their words. Others sexually abused you and you can’t seem to wash away the smell of shame and disgust you have for yourself.
Depression and self-hatred take hold of you because in the world you have searched and found no place to lay your head and find rest.

You have attempted to take your own life. Time and time again you have tried, and not succeeded because God had a plan for you all along that not even Satan could stop.

To the one who is considering suicide, “…this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, he who formed you, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

So, you see, God has never given up on you, nor will he ever, even when you give up on yourself. He sees you now coming, walking on the long road back to him and He is here to meet you today. Saving you from the pigpen of life, He is running beloved, running towards you. Not to judge you, not to condemn you, or to shame you. No, He is running full of excitement and joy that his lost one has come home. He has a feast prepared for you, and a celebration awaiting you, telling all of Heaven, “But we have to celebrate and be glad, because this child of mine was dead and has come back to life! They were lost, but now They are found!” Luke 15:32

God the Father begins,

“Do you now see what ashes I can turn into beauty? You are my prodigal, returned home, and how all of Heaven rejoiced. I left so many times to run to find you, to meet you and now I put on you, my robe of righteousness, a ring of my authority upon your finger, shoes on your feet, and say that you are mine.

When death claimed you as his own, I reminded him of the cross. When the kingdom of darkness claimed you as their own, I reminded them of my blood. When satan came to accuse you of your past, I reminded him of My mercy.

I am ever so grateful that you believed, you endured, you persevered, and you have now come to see my goodness in all that I had allowed. You need a Father, My beloved one, you always have, and I am here. Let go of the many words spoken over you and hurtful remarks made by others and even your own father. Forgive them, My beloved one, they do not know what they do. Forgive as I have forgiven you.

I bless you now as your Father in Heaven peace, peace be upon you. Upon you, your children, and your children’s children. You are not a mistake, but a blessing. You are beautiful, you are loved, and you are a servant in whom I put my words, in your mouth. You will be a blessing to many and deliver many from the edge of darkness, just as I have delivered you.

You are my adored and My mother’s child. Every curse word spoken over you, I now turn into a blessing and I say you, will prosper, you will succeed, your child is blessed and will be a blessing.

My love for you has no bounds. I say to you come and come some more. Press in, for there are greater things in store, as I sanctify you. Every trial I allowed has stretched you to be a sharp arrow that I will use to dispel darkness. Come My beloved one and cry no more. Your Father is here. Come, I will restore missed opportunities, and all that was stolen. Come…

Your Daddy is speaking….”

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