Guided Abundance Meditation Walk in Nature

3 years ago

Welcome to our abundance meditation. During this session you will be instructed to breath into the heart center. You will also learn to empower your meditation by anchoring into a strong feeling of abundance through love gratitude compassion accomplishment (with a person pet or particular time). You will then be guided on a journey visualizing the elements of earth air fire and water, really feeling them and anchoring their abundant gifts into your heart. Each time you hear the word abundance it will then become a key It will anchor you into this heartfelt feeling and transport your right back into this enhanced experiential state of your journey. Carry this forward into your own silent personal meditation time that follows at the end of our session and even on throughout your day. Relaxing into the session you will travel through different brainwave frequencies. Starting from an aware waking state of beta, into the relaxed state of alpha during the guided nature journey and then into the truly creative and open state of theta for the personal silent meditation time at the end of our session.
In this Theta state of mind, you will hear a gong of a bowl or the word abundance. This positive feeling of abundance will be easily anchored into your subconscious.

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