Merging With the Beast - A.I. Hivemind

3 years ago

Ray Kerzweil said years ago that they could inject nanobots into someone to link them with the digital cloud to upload and download information into someone's brain. If the mRNA vaccine has nanobots, then essentially it could merge them with the Beast System Cloud wirelessly and allow them taken over or be possesed by the Artificial Intelligence, making a symbiosis between man and A.I which is controlled by Satan and the AntiChrist system - which is demonic. The Daniel 2 prophecy - they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but clay and iron do not mix!

This I believe is part of Satan's agenda and part of the A.I. Singularity where everyone is part of the Hivemind and connected instantly through 5G. These are my thoughts, on top of the fact that the Mark of the Beast mRNA vaccine appears to change a persons DNA and even insert fallen Angel DNA to create a hybrid non human entity, sort of like the Genesis 6 giants. Satan wants to connect everyone to his beast system and have complete control over everything. Be wise and resist all such things! Trust alone in Jesus of the Bible and resist all false solutions from the Beast System - quantum dot tattoo, nerualink brain chip, hydrogel implants, RFID chip, and any such thing! Our eternal soul is at stake!

Related Article

Here are some links to videos and documents regarding end days Bible prophecy and the rise or the New World Order, as I have been censored on most platforms I am reduced to evangelizing in the comments section. We are in the final moments, do not perish for lack of knowledge. Please see the following links and may the LORD Jesus guide you:

The Rapture is soon!! REPENT AND BE READY!
- 1 Corinthians 15:52
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16
- Revelations 3:10 

Printable Version of my left behind letter:

The Crown - The AntiChrist 

The word "Corona" in Latin means a Crown, or a wreath-crown or garland. The interesting thing is that in the Book of Revelation the AntiChrist will receive a Crown at his appearing, and will deceive the nations as a false Savior with a false peace covenant (a bow): 

Revelation 6:2 KJV - And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

I believe this Coronavirus is a means to bring forth the AntiChrist One World Order, and Crown or Corona him as Dictator using the United Nations and other Globalist organizations. We see the global reset is a result of this virus, as well as a bringing forth of a one world global cryptocurrency only usable through the Mark of the Beast vaccine or quantum dot tattoo or another like-solution. Resist the Mark! This also allows the UN World Health Organization to now dig roots into every nation under the guise of health and public safety. This is shifting power and control directly over to the globalist New World Order! Problem, reaction, Solution! A Hegelian Dialectic.

Corona (Crown) Virus

Trust alone in Jesus the Messiah (God Almighty), turn away from all sin and the ways of the world, and follow Yeshua Jesus Christ according to New Testament Bible scripture! 

Locked And Loaded!

Website Article On Hybrid Nephilim

DNA Modification - Mark of the Beast?

Great Reset

IPGII Decode Video

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