Look forward to Heaven, My Brides & Satan's Wrath ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

Text to full Message & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2021/04/15/meine-braute-freut-euch-auf-den-himmel-my-brides-look-forward-to-heaven/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Look forward to Heaven, My Brides & Satan's Wrath

April 10, 2021 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord’s peace be with us, Heartdwellers... Amen.

(Jesus) "Let us begin with how much I love you, My Brides. And I need your comfort during these times. I inhabit these soldiers and must deal with the torment they suffer after finding these unspeakable atrocities. Some of their lives are shattered by what they see, and they have to go into recovery. They try to be brave, but the images stay in their minds and torment them. These horrendous acts of crime against the innocent are truly a disgrace.

"Many parents will be getting the sad news that their children are dead. Others will have to deal with severely traumatized children that need medical attention. The med beds will help to heal and restore the minds of these little ones. They are already being used to that affect and are showing hopeful results. You cannot imagine the wrath of Satan that has been taken out on these innocents. Those who have seen the carnage have seen inside Satan’s mind. This is what he lives for.

"What Clare has given you is substantially accurate information. She has culled out much and only stuck to the bare fact. Now that you know this, I need your prayers. There are still tunnels with children all around the world yet to be discovered. My Spirit is upon those soldiers, and I am leading them. Pray for them, dear ones, they are so traumatized by the cruelty and carnage. It is something that will never be totally overcome. Pray for them."

"The dreams about the Chinese living in your country are very real warnings. There is so much more going on behind the scenes that very few know about, and the danger is quite real. Only your prayers can stop the occupation of America. Your country is literally in your praying hands.

"I am coming very soon, and what will take place afterwards has been written in the Book of Revelation. Pray now for what is to happen later. Pray, pray, pray. Imagine your culture wiped out. Imagine your homeland occupied by foreigners, a totally foreign culture. This is indeed a sad sight. You do not know what it is like to not have a country to belong to. The plight of immigrants is very grim. What this nation will suffer is very much like what the nation did to the Native American peoples, when they took their land from them. This is why I have called for deeper repentance.

"When I return to rule, there will be equality. I will restore to each one according to what is right, but until that time the earth will be full of strife and confusion. You have not long to wait, My dear ones, you have not long. Those of you who are raptured will be part of the earth’s restoration, and you will behold justice being done to all peoples, and you will all live together in peace. That is My Promise to you.

"Look forward to Heaven, My Brides. For those of you who are staying, look forward to new equipping for your spiritual journey until I return. My blessing is upon all who read or listen to this message, and I would ask you to correspond to what is in this message and to use it, to pray, and to be ready, because I am coming soon."

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