These are Final Exams in God's University on Planet Earth ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

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These are Final Exams in God's University on Planet Earth

Rhema from April 10, 2021 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare
Original Message from April 30, 2019

(Clare) The Lord bless you all, precious Heartdwellers. This is an interesting time right now. And I want to thank the Lord for giving us an advance warning that the time for the Final Exams has come.

I said... 'Jesus. Please tell me what’s going on?'

Jesus answered… "I’m here Beloved. Hold Me close. Your Lord’s Supper readings should give you insight."

(Clare) The readings have alarmed me, Lord. They’ve caused me to be very concerned. Are the Heartdwellers ignoring you?

(Jesus) "Many are preoccupied with the world, Clare. Much in the same way you are when you devote time to a project. It is hard to get your attention back on Me. But you have been faithful, and I am not faulting you."

(Clare) Lord, Ezekiel says that Heartdwellers are tired and distracted and not responsive. Please tell me. Is this true?

(Jesus) "Let’s say half and half."

(Clare) Well, why the rebellious reading, Lord, that I received from Ezekiel?

(Jesus) "Because many go on… ‘Church as usual.’ And the Church is crumbling before their very eyes. Many of them are unaware of what is going on right in front of them. The Church will not remain ‘church’ for much longer. Either persecution or scandal will continue to bring it down. Once the Rapture happens, there will no longer be ‘church as usual’. It will be gone. Those who were on fire will be taken Home, leaving My uncommitted children to cope and ask some very hard questions… 'Why? Why wasn’t I taken?'

"Well, I am here to tell you why. This message to you is of utmost importance. When was the last time you gave time and money to feed the poor families and people on the streets? When was the last time you spent all night in prayer? When was the last time you spent 2 hours in prayer for several days a week? When is the last time you looked at your conscience and found gossip and slander that you had spread?

"When was the last time you recognized selfishness in yourself? Are you even looking for these things? When was the last time you defended an innocent victim of slander? When was the last time you had scorn and contempt for someone you considered below you? When was the last time you went out of your way because someone needed attention and you were busy with a project?

"When was the last time you took a careful look at your soul with The Holy Spirit, and repented for so many things you should have done but didn’t do. And so many things you did that you shouldn’t have done?

"All your questions about 'Why was I left behind?' will be answered for you in a very brief amount of time, if you seriously sit down and take a real look at the state of your soul. Are you doing things to be noticed, for acclaim?

"Or are you doing things for Me that I asked of you that might be a little more lack-luster and go unnoticed? I guarantee you, the little things add up in Heaven. I see what man does not see. And I especially see the little things that caused you inconvenience, but that you shook off your own concern to take care of it, because there was a real need. Sacrifice.

"Are you selfishly headed off to finish a project, barring the door? Or do you relent to tend to the injured? Clare knows exactly what I mean, because I have been drilling her in charity and patience. Many times she is at a critical point with a message, with the painting


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