Perfect cheesecakes, everyone can handle it easily and quickly

3 years ago

- 400 gr of cottage cheese
- 40 g of rice flour + for sprinkling
- 1 egg
- sahzam to taste
- blueberries / currants (handful)

Mix everything, form balls, put the berries inside the groove and cover them with cottage cheese. Dip lightly in flour and fry on a non-stick heat without oil under a lid on both sides for 5-7 minutes
- What should be the curd: not soft, not grainy. I take 5 kg in buckets from the market. There is practically no whey in it on top, so its top mass is ideal for cheese cakes, as it is dry. In terms of fat content, it is 5%. You can take 0% or more. It doesn't matter. But, for example, briquette cottage cheese is softish. If you have a lot of buckets, then I think it's perfect - Prostokvashino 2%. They have it just hard.
- Flour. I always use only rice in cheesecakes, because it is she who gives a delicious crust. Although I have tried different types of flour.
- With eggs, everything is clear - any will do! And if earlier I added 1 piece. 200 grams of cottage cheese, now 400 grams! Thanks to this, the cheesecakes are not liquid and keep their shape.
- Well, the shape is the most important thing :) Form round large balls from the resulting dough. I take about 60 grams of dough for 1 cheesecake. Place them on a plate. And then lightly roll in flour. Do not try to flatten the cheese pancakes !!!! Immediately after boning in flour, send them to a non-stick skillet without oil. Remember: you should have balls in your pan, not washers! First, the frying pan should be hot and almost immediately we make a small fire and keep it for 5 minutes under the lid. Then we turn them over very carefully so as not to deform. As a result, they will slightly flatten, but not much, remain high and baked :) from the second side, also 5-7 minutes :)

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