MY casserole DIDN'T WORK This is a failure

3 years ago

Recipe for newbies:
- 40 grams of cornstarch
- 450 gr of cottage cheese
- 4 eggs
- 100 ml of milk
- sahzam
- 100 grams of berries / or 15 grams of cocoa

Mix cottage cheese, yolks, sahzam, starch, milk with a blender. Beat the whites until peaks and stir in the curd mass. Pour the mass into a mold. Top with banana / berry slices. Send to the oven for an hour 180 gr. Check readiness with a toothpick. It is better to cool the casserole a little, otherwise it may fall apart.

- Cottage cheese. Any of the briquettes. I think you can even be soft. But do not take too grainy, otherwise it will not be uniform;
- Starch. I am using corn. I didn’t try another, but the girls baked with potatoes and they say it’s good. Replacing it with corn flour is NOT a trick that starch makes it airy;
- Sakhzam. Always to your liking. Here are 12 grams of fitparada. Try it yourself;
- Milk. Anything, but I have 1.5%.
- Filling. Absolutely any berries, cocoa, banana .. With strawberries it can be more moist. Ideal for me - currants;
- Dough. It is very important to beat the dough well with the BLENDER before introducing the proteins. And then beat the whites well to the peaks with a MIXER and CAREFULLY mix them into the dough;
- The form. I only bake in a silicone mold, with high edges and d - no more than 16 cm. The trick is that the casserole rises very much. After turning off the oven, it should stand there for about 30 minutes. It will settle by 1/3 of the total volume, but it will remain high enough, as you can see in the cutaway in the photo. In no case, do not immediately take it out of the mold, because because of the starch and the souffle consistency, it will simply fall apart! The girls cooked in multicooker, they say everything worked out. Not very good in glass molds, as well as in Teflon ones. She sticks

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