This is not a Rapture Drill... This is the real Thing, be prepared ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

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This is not a Rapture Drill... This is the real Thing, be prepared!

November 29, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My Dear Heartdwellers, this is a Rapture alert! My Mother has been trying to get my attention every time I turn around, for at least three days to a week, and five to seven times in the last day and a half. It has been a sign from her since her death that the numbers 711 appear. Either on a clock or on something I'm recording. That is her birth date. And last night Ezekiel got it too and we looked at each other and he said... 'Mom, what is this all about?' And I felt in my spirit, it was about the Rapture.

Then Ezekiel heard her say... 'He’s coming. The Lord is coming, get yourself prepared.' And later that morning she spoke again to Ezekiel... 'I’m only doing for you what you did for me. I’m helping you get ready.' Because Ezekiel did a great deal to help my Mother cross over into the Lord's arms when she was dying. She also said... 'You did the same for me before I went, you prepared me to go, I’m returning the favor.' And that’s true, you can read that account in the introduction to Chronicles of the Bride. Wow, no words for that.

So I started praying, for more time, more grace, more mercy. And the Lord interrupted me...

(Jesus) “Is that what you really want?”

(Clare) And I thought… 'Oh no it's really not, I'm exhausted.' And I answered Him and said… 'Oh Lord, you know in my heart, I have failed in so many areas. I have wasted my life on me, I’m still selfish, and worse yet, I haven’t gotten any more music done. My heart is crushed with my inequities, laziness and lack of faith.'

(Jesus) "You’re forgiven. No more time for sorrow, I have washed your slate clean, please try to keep it that way for just a little longer. By the way, have I told you how proud I am of you for setting aside music to tend to the real needs of others? No, I guess I have not, or you wouldn’t be grieving and crying right now."

(Clare) And that was true, I was crying this whole time.

(Jesus) "Clare, you have no idea the forces that have aligned themselves against you to force you to quit. May I say, it is quite an accomplishment that you have not quit."

(Clare) I owe it all to Your grace and Your mother’s intercession.

(Jesus) "Nonetheless, I see you sitting tall in the saddle, not hunched over like a tired old woman, half dead. Stop seeing yourself that way. You are young and spry in My eyes. I would give anything to see a smile on that face right now. I know how you feel, I know it well, I live inside of you, My Love. I weep when you weep, but I weep because you don’t know just how remarkably faithful you have been."

(Clare) Lord, I’ve never been more than a B student my entire life.

(Jesus) "You didn’t start out with all A’s. You took quite a wallop in your younger years and Satan has had his eye on you all the while. What could have been is irrelevant now. What is in fact real is what counts. And you’ve done well with the short hand you’ve been dealt. Your problem is that your desire nature always sees what could be, but you haven’t all the tools to make it happen. But you are getting them as you grow wiser with age, and therefore you are doing all you can. I tell you where you fall down and need to repent, and repent you do. See, I have much to be proud of with you.

"Now, I want you to tell the Heartdwellers the very same thing. My Beloved ones, there are those among you who have truly given their all in as much as My grace accompanied you. There are others who wanted to, but never quite could. But I say to you, the time of forgiveness is upon you. I see your weaknesses and how you have caved under the pressure of your flesh and the demons behind it. Many, many, many of you have suffered incredible setbacks...


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