Wake up, My Children 🙏 If you do not change your Course now, then... ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

WAKE UP, MY CHILDREN! If you do not change your Course now, then...

May 27, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord stir our hearts into action. Beloved family, the Lord has told me, that this drastic change in our society that has taken place because of the virus, has been deliberately allowed by Him for many different reasons, chief among them being a wakeup call to the world, that we are living in the end times, and that we are not prepared for what is coming. He is trying to wake up His sleeping beauty, before the enemy completely takes her by surprise.

One reason, dear ones, is that our focus on materialism and accomplishment has driven us to the point where we are not vigilant about subtle, political changes that pass right by us, such as the things Obama instituted under the umbrella of Obamacare. Many things have been signed into law behind our backs, things that are being set up so that when the right moment arrives, innocent people can be arrested for no concrete reason at all.

Because we have focused on money and success, our families and marriages are falling apart, while evil agendas in the schools are influencing our children and turning them into a generation without morals. They have been taught that bad is good and good is bad. As a result, they have turned against their parents, who have tried to instill morals in them to save their souls. Lord, I know this message was your idea, could you please speak to us about it?

Jesus began... "Gladly. It has been on My heart, My people, that you don't realize that I have allowed these circumstances to wake you up and turn you around, before it's entirely too late. Many Christians that pray passionately have jumped into the fray and kept evil from overturning this nation, but just by the skin of its teeth.

"Many of you complain to Me... 'Lord why did you allow this to happen?' The reason this is happening is because you were running headlong over a cliff, and I have done this to stop you and get your attention, to restore proper values in the homes, to gather the families together, instead of letting each one go about their own pursuits, day after day, oblivious as to what is going on in each other's lives.

"Curtailing the physical and busy lifestyle has brought you face to face with the reality of your family's relationships, in both their weakest and strongest points. Many families have been disintegrating under their very own nose, and outside activities have kept them ignorant of what is really happening. I want you to draw together, My people, and examine your lives over the past few years. What are your values? You may ask, how do I determine that?

"By looking at what you spend most of your time and money on. Investing time in fruitless and evil video games has brought much demonic company into your homes. Do you understand? Your bodies are electrical machines that run on electrical impulses. Demons also run on this energy source and it is so easy for them to interface with your brain and cause serious genetic damage to your genes, cutting you off from Me by desensitizing the higher electrical currents in your bodies.

"You become used to loud, fast-paced music, which pulls you further away from My still small voice, you become desensitized to violence by watching crimes committed and participating in such things within video games. You are being steered by the monster Satan, who has found ways to make evil beautiful and desirable, feeding on your need to compete and accomplish, and giving you a sense of accomplishment by playing in this multidimensional world of video games.


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