AMERICA IN TURMOIL Part 1: George Floyd and Racism

3 years ago

The beginning of this year ended with the failed impeachment bid against President Trump. The Chinese coronavirus took center stage soon thereafter.

The video of Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for nearly nine minutes released a lot of pent up anger about discrimination as millions took to the streets to demonstrate. Antifa seized the opportunity to instigate riots across America.

At the same time, many parts of the country have been ravaged by natural catastrophes. The vaunted 500 year storms are now happening every year. Where is God in this mess? Why is He allowing this to happen? The prophet Jeremiah recorded how the sword, famine and pestilence were used to punish Israel some 2,600 years ago.

God is behind the barrage of calamities we are experiencing in the United States. They are part of His judgment for America’s iniquities. Will people turn to Jesus or harden their hearts and refuse to repent?
Sermon Outline:

George Floyd and Racism
JUNE 14, 2020 RLJ-1760

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