Dark music | Dark video | Horror | Dark Rap

3 years ago

I a beauty, he no beast! Call him demon..

I know I'm smiling, but don't take it for what it seems
'Cause the only time I'm happy is when I'm in my dreams
'Cause my life is that lonely kid cast out in the shadows.
Full of tears, frowns, and kick ass all lost battles.

Down in a black hole trying to escape depression,
But you can't run away from what will always be your reflection,
And as you run away, reality is getting nearer,
And instead of changing you, you try to change the mirror,
But what do you do when the mirror falls down,
Breaking apart as it hits the ground?

And now you have nothing to hide behind.
And now you need the courage you have yet to find
Because fear and sorrow are just emotions that play tricks on your mind,
Trying to prevent you from making your life and dreams intertwine.

But instead of giving in, you try to break out,
Rebuilding the happiness that fear and sorrow take out.

Because the obstacles you have aren't important, it's about how you handle it,
Because fear can only be as bad as you imagine it,
And sorrow comes with tears just as gray clouds come with rain.
And then it will pass quicker than it came,
So just be proud you didn't cut yourself with the mirror's glass,
And just know that the worst already passed.

But if you look at the mirror again, look with open eyes,
So if you don't like the out, you can take a look inside

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