90's Trailer makeover TIME-LAPSE

3 years ago

What do you do when the cute cottage you just purchased on a lake in Quebec comes with an old RV trailer? Some work, that’s what! This young couple wanted to make the most of their unexpected gift and started by gutting the entire interior. They put in new drywall and a new ceiling, and then it was time to paint.
This particular trailer is stationary for the time being, but did you know that couples who ditch their houses for the open road, say it has made them happier — and improved their marriages?

It’s true! There is actually quite the movement afoot, of people making the switch to RV life by lifestyle choice rather than financial need. People are trading “sticks and bricks” for a life of travel and minimal belongings. While larger and larger homes (without wheels) have long embodied the American Dream, now the dream is the freedom of the open road! There have been several terms coined for this lifestyle, such as “full-time RVers,” “digital nomads” or “workampers.”

One survey found that half of new RV sales are going to Americans under 45, a change from the 20th century, when retirees dominated campsites. So no, it’s not just seniors who are plying the highways with their homes in tow. New opportunities to work remotely have opened up possibilities for younger and younger people to adopt this lifestyle while still at the height of their working years. Many simply log in right from their RV and go to work. Others pick up “gig work”, cleaning campsites, harvesting on farms or in vineyards, or filling in as security guards. People learn about these gigs by word of mouth, on Workamper News or Facebook groups like one for Workampers with more than 30,000 members.

So if you’re rolling along either in your home or with your home trailing behind you, you will no longer get as many incredulous looks and questions such as, “where will you put your stuff?” These days it’s more likely you’ll get a look of admiration or even envy!

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