The David Knight Show 4May2021 - Full Show

3 years ago

The David Knight Show 4May2021 - Full Show

1:56 Media Ignores Biden’s WORST Exec Order. Power grabs like SCOTUS packing, election rigging, and LGBT agenda have gotten a lot of attention in conservative press, but the process to attack political enemies has been ignored. Don’t think they’ll pull the trigger? Here’s what happened to an innocent Alaska couple who attended the Jan6 rally. Here’s what Biden ordered…

19:45 The book burners and Big Media are coming for Matt Tiabi — and YOU. Don’t try to think. Leave that to the professionals

35:01 Listener letter

39:00 Joy Behar: Vacuous Vaccine Pusher. A “View” of the disconnected “thinking” about vaccine mandates. They’re “like seat belts”. Ok. Let’s explore that argument and the other statements…

51:29 EXPOSED: Nexus of Fauci, PlannedParenthood, Univ of Pittsburgh. The horrific trafficking in body parts, the experimentation using “harvested” human babies. This is “America’s Doctor”, Fauci, working with the abortion and academia complex.

1:01:46 Mercola Caves to Appease BigPharma. Removes true information about Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc and other issues after being targeted for censorship. Appeasement NEVER works.

1:20:40 INTERVIEW: Richard Proctor — Restoring the Constitution From Lockdown

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