Rocco & Raj - EP2 - ICU Beds, Jabs up to 2024+ & Is Justin Qualified?

3 years ago

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As we know, adding additional ICU beds, needs additional staff support as well. Is it new news, that ER's are full with people in the hallways? Not really, ER's have always been full and hospitals under staffed. Our leaders really need to take a hard look at what they are doing and why they're doing it. While some of Rocco's sentiments might sound a bit harsh, it's important to remember that someone will continue to make mistakes until it's brought to their attention, and unfortunately in this situation, we don't have a lot of time left for the types of blunders currently taking place, as too many people continue to endure unnecessary harms and abuse. Someone has to say something, and something needs to be done. We ask, do you think our leaders are doing the best they can?

The more light and exposure that these plans get, the less likely they are to go through. Believe that.
In the coming months we will be seeing people, not just politicians, but government health officials, high ranking officers, members of the press, societal figure heads and more, be held accountable for their incompetence, deliberate and over-reaching abusive use of power, over not only Canadians, but humanity as a whole.

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