Is your thinking confined by your skin tone? | Tim Scott Response | Black Minds Matter

3 years ago

Black Minds Matter!!! Is your thinking confined by your skin tone? Are you limiting yourself because you happen to be black? Are you allowing others to project their thinking upon you?

Having the right mindset will either lead to victory or defeat. Recently, Senator Tim Scott gave a response to Joe Biden's address to the joint session of Congress. The reaction to the Tim Scott response speech was expected, but nonetheless disappointing.

Instead of being celebrated as being one of the few black male Senators, the Tim Scott reaction by some on the liberal left was to demean and attack him. Some went so far to call him "uncle tim". Why, because he did not fit their definition of a black man. They expect all black men to come from hood and have the struggle.

IF we buy into that thinking, it will confine us to a life dictated by others. That is not the life of purpose or destiny. That is a life of confinement and limits. We are called to live above limits. We are called to have a victory mindset.

Our thinking must be higher than that. Our thoughts should be thoughts of freedom and hope. Not oppression and depression.

#blackmindsmatter #senatorscott #victorymindset #nolimits

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