Revelation 1-3 We have to overcome the religions of men to enter into the Kingdom.

3 years ago

Revelation 1-3.
We are in times of spiritual warfare!
There is no way the Lord God Almighty will allow this Nation to fall to evil men! Now that we are coming out of Denominational Apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3 and realize that the religions of men can not save us 2 Thess. 2:10 we are all commanded to stop utilizing the bibles and faith systems of men and return to Christianity the perfect faith system from God which will save us and free us from every wind of doctrine of men John 8:32; Acts 17:30; 2 Thess. 2:3-11. Grace has always been available for the righteous ignorant Acts 17:30; Rom. 5:13, however, salvation will not be realized until the Lord resumes His reign on this earth as it is in heaven!
rumble under n5rkss
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