CD7 Candidate Jeff Zink with Pinal Sheriff Mark Lamb

3 years ago

14 minutes 1/2 conversations regarding a very important subject an incredible issue to our US citizens & it's on the US Mexico Border:
Pinal Sheriff Mark Lamb + North Carolina Sheriff Sam Page WITH Candidate CD7 Jeff Zink.
Great men doing a great job for our country Good Ole USA.
Congressional Candidate CD7 Jeff Zink at the Mexican & State of Arizona Border 70 miles away In Pinal County, but we are reporting as MAAP Real Talk Show with Sheriff Mark Lamb And Sheriff Sam Page of North Carolina.
Always stay tuned we appreciate your support. MAAPMEDIA

Producer Director Host George Nemeh
Today Cameraman George Nemeh #raw​ #drawyourownconclusions​ #likeitis​ #sherifflamb​ #sheriffmarklamb​ #jeffzink​ #candidatecongressionaljeffzink​ #jeffzinkcd7​ #sheriffsampage​ #northcarolina​ #pinal​ #pinalarizona​

MAAP REAL TALK SHOW Copyrights 2021
Arizona USA

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