BIGGEST DOGS In The World 2021

3 years ago

BIGGEST DOGS In The World 2021,Looking to adopt a new furry friend into the family? Bigger isn't always better, of course, but when it comes to finding your perfect canine companion, a teeny-tiny Chihuahua won't exactly cut it as a jogging partner. Typically tipping the scales at 50-80 pounds (although some varieties may skew slightly larger or smaller), these big dog breeds are great for if you want an active exercise pal or a pet that's easy to train — plus, they can make great cuddle partners and lovable family dogs, too!

Before adopting a large dog, anticipate the time and budget that you can realistically provide for your pet. Owning a dog can cost about $15,000 or more over its lifetime, according to the American Kennel Club. That money can go towards veterinary visits, grooming, and food, just to name a few preliminary expenses. All large breeds will require more kibble, but a Poodle, for example, will need more frequent haircuts than a Boxer. A highly active breed will also demand a lot more exercise versus the couch potatoes of the dog world, but all pups deserve basic obedience training, regular walks, and obviously your love and attention.

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