National Anthem of Czech Republic - Kde Domov Můj (Vocal)

3 years ago

Kde domov můj (Czech pronunciation: [ˈɡdɛ ˈdomof ˈmuːj]; English: Where is my home?) is the national anthem of the Czech Republic, written by the composer František Škroup and the playwright Josef Kajetán Tyl.
It was first performed by Karel Strakatý at the Estates Theatre in Prague on December 21, 1834. It soon became very popular among Czechs and was accepted as an informal anthem of a nation seeking to revive its identity within the Habsburg Monarchy.

Kde domov můj, kde domov můj,
Voda hučí po lučinách,
bory šumí po skalinách,
v sadě skví se jara květ,
zemský ráj to na pohled!
A to je ta krásná země,
země česká domov můj,
země česká domov můj!

Where my home is, where my home is,
Water roars across the meadows,
Pinewoods rustle among rocks,
The orchard is glorious with spring blossom,
Paradise on earth it is to see.
And this is that beautiful land,
The Czech land, my home,
The Czech land, my home!

Česká Hymna / Himno Nacional de la República Checa / Czech National Anthem / Nationalhymne Tschechische Republik / Hymne National de la République Tchèque / Volkslied van Tsjechië /

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