Fighting Woke Classrooms in Idaho

3 years ago

Social justice warriors believe that woke classrooms are training grounds for the next generation of progressive activists.

You probably see classrooms as a place for kids to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic.

You likely want your kids' minds to develop free of political indoctrination from radical left-wing organizers.

But wokeism is spreading and soon it will poison every classroom in the Gem State unless freedom-minded Idahoans act now.

In this timely webinar, Idaho Freedom Foundation's Anna K. Miller and Foundation for Economic Education's Kerry McDonald will discuss how parents, community leaders, and legislators can stop the spread of social justice indoctrination in Idaho classrooms. McDonald, author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom , recently wrote an article on defeating woke classrooms.

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