Clashes - Darkness And Light

3 years ago

Good and evil are clashing in our world in times such as these. Probably some of the biggest battles happening right now between darkness and light, are purposefully meant to teach us a dependence on God. Why do we always feel like we have to “do” something? When the enemy spins up a whirlwind, we probably should not step into it. Spiritual battles are God’s battles and we need to step back and let Him work things out. God is able to defeat the prevalent evil in our time. The best decision for us is to let be, be still and know He is God. Wait – Watch – See God Work. God is good at all these things and we can trust Him to defeat the enemy. Yes, God is good. Yes, evil is prevalent. Yes, God will defeat the enemy and no weapon formed against us will prosper. We are taken care of in that incredible way of His. Our God is a Mighty Warrior. Like no other care giver, our God is. So, during these times don’t worry, don’t fret, God’s got us. We may have many trials, but God will deliver us out of them all. We don’t have to “do” anything, just “be” found in God. Dig Deeper:

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