Winnie’s results from AKC ScentWork Trial 5/1-2/21

3 years ago

Winnie tries to rest from our trip North to Ferndale,CA but I want to share her accomplishments. I am very happy to say we worked well together like a machine. Like a tractor in the fields we dug in deep with nubby tires, and stuck to the rows as we kept in low but purposeful gear.
Earning three Qs on Saturday, Winnie earned an Element title in Containers and an individual 3rd in Buried.
On Sunday she brought in another 3 Qs and a very deserved Interior Element title earning 3 Qs 3 trials in a row.
Winnie and I are not a fine sports car, timed and tuned to perfection, but even a tractor has to run well to get the job done.

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