The Whistle Blowers News dated Monday 3rd May 2021

3 years ago

This video is a news report from New Zealand about the TRUE STATE OF THE NATIONS affairs, under the dictatorship of the current government dirty labour party after jacinda Ardern has made all these promises to FOREIGNER betraying New Zealand like John Key did. The consequence is 5G technology, populations dumped in NZ illegally, entire communities settled here while 100,000 NZ children & young people are crammed into CHINESE OWNED MOTELS FOR PROFIT. Jacinda Ardern is FATTENING THE China communist party to fleece NZ with the muslim Indians while they enforce their Smart growth smart cities plans AGENDA 21 covid19 Vaccines for profit. Its time Ardern got the boot! Indian artificial intelligence tech controlling traffic lights, roading decisions, dangerous pedestrian crossings, CONFISCATING MAORI WHILE SETTLING ILLEGAL immigrants here. We must remove these colonial WAR LORDS systems, and homosexual policies made that have NO REAL VALUE or place in our future to make New Zealand Great again. The dirty real estate industry is a SERCO corporate illegal crime syndicate here. White Power hate gang SERCO is a freemason neonazi corporation owned by the buckingham germans William of Wales. They are hijacking NZ courts-prisons-police-health-law & social welfare raiding & murdering beneficiaries private estates. Politicians & police work for these cult psychopaths hiding under UN-WEF-WHO-Nato-EU-CCP & pentagon contracts. STOP THE CRIME!
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