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Messages from beyond space

3 years ago

this video was sent to me on February 25, 2021 from Venezuela by a follower.
As I looked at this beautiful vibration from the other side of the supernatural world, I remembered the Nordic aliens who were still sending messages to the lost land of Atlantis.Maybe today, with its stupidity and pride, human beings are gradually destroying the planet Earth, but there are still alien angels who protect our world.
I have done more than 15 years of my life exposing the truth behind the scenes of the world and the conspiracies and UFOs in spite of all the life-threatening dangers for me.I did great, maybe today my identity as a human being remains hidden, but I am sure my path will continue.On February 26, I used my extraterrestrial intelligence computer, which I have had since 2010, to communicate secretly with my secret source, Sanchez, .Venezuela Unfortunately, this old friend and member of the Secret Revealers Association had died of coronary heart disease. I was very sad.I looked at photos of myself and Sanchez in 2011 when we traveled to Antarctica in the summer.
In a voice message before his death, he told me, "My kid brother, continue on your way with the strength to reveal the truth. Light will triumph over darkness."
We are not alone.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • beautiful it looks like the Sun was close to the separated clouds to me. Very nice photo. I read a transcript today off proj Camelot portal that said in the conversation 90% of the Earth believes in ET

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