Col. Believe in the One faith Bible Eph. 4 for there's no salvation from the faith systems of men!

3 years ago

There is no way the Lord God almighty allows America to fall to evil men! We must come out of the Denominational Dark Ages where we believed that salvation and freedom could come from the bibles and doctrines of men.
It is time for men to wake up out of our slumber and understand the will of the Lord that has been hidden, Eph. 1:9; 5:17; 1 Cor. 2:7! Subjective truth from man is why Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. For 6,000 years, man has been under the subjective truth of men - which was the authority behind the crucifixion of Christ and the cause of human suffering Gen. 2:17; Jer. 10:23; 2 Thess. 2:3-11; Rom. 3:4. But for one thousand years, Christ will rule over humanity from heaven, bringing to man freedom from every wind of doctrine of men John 8:32. Christ's rule over men was interrupted by 1680 years of denominationalism, but it is time for all men everywhere to repent Acts 17:30. It is time to humble ourselves as little children Matt. 18:3, 4. It is time to be "poor in spirit", Matt. 5:1 and start preparing ourselves for the great wedding feast in the 2nd age of the Kingdom.
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