What are your Needs? * Active Listening * Compassionate Communication - #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

What are your Needs? * Active Listening * Compassionate Communication - #WorldPeaceProjects

Regardless of the verbal language that you speak, whether English, Spanish, you name it, if you have not learned compassionate communication, you may be speaking quite inefficiently and not be able to be received or heard.
And it may be difficult for you to understand what your needs are. Because compassionate commuication is all based around being able to understand and identify your needs and then communicating them, first to yourself and then to others, in order to be able to get your needs met.


Thank you to everyone who submitted questions for the Q&A videos!

Anyone who would like to participate in next weeks Q&A please leave your questions in the comments below.
To all of my amazing clients, I am hoping you honor me with a testimonial of our work together.
I am excited to bring you a fresh new website very soon.
And as a thank you, I am offering:

***10% discounts on 1 personal session with a written testimonial and a picture, if comfortable, and a 20% discount on 1 personal session with a video testimonial!***


▪️For healings:


Email: Chloe@worldpeaceprojects.global

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