Ep 181 (3/4/2021): Why Now and Why Like This? Fear of Upsetting The Church

3 years ago

Why are people scared to talk about what they’ve experienced within church? What is it about being quiet regarding real things that happen behind the veil? What makes this topic taboo?

Being a voice for The Church means being a voice into it as well because it really is about souls, not about guarding a church establishment. There are real pastors, administrators, teachers and the like within those walls, but there’s also something else and people are scared to say anything. This isn’t a San Diego church phenomenon; this runs across the States and the expectation is the same: keep quiet about what goes on or what happened.

This is what and why issues fester and grow within church walls, because people are scared to say something. Why is it that speaking about the reality behind the veil causes fear? Who benefits from that fear and who gets traumatized by remaining quiet?

I don’t want to be afraid or intimidated anymore. Those days are over because souls are in need and souls need the truth of the Gospel.

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