Sallie House Nursery

3 years ago
August 13th, 2017 12:20 AM - Doing an EVP session in the Sallie House nursery, we set up a tambourine that was in with the rest of the toys in the room. We were asking to knock it over and got nothing. After a bit, I turned off recorder and camera and we headed out to take a break. We got halfway down the stairs and the tambourine fell over. We could tell by the little cymbals clinking when it hit the floor. Immediately we went back up, started the camera and voice recorder. About 10 minutes into the session this happened. This is not faked, hoaxed, or anything like that. I'm sitting 2 feet away from tambourine and it took me by surprise. The hairs on my arm stood on end for what was probably a couple minutes.

Later on in the morning, I went back upstairs and tried to debunk this. The tambourine was on the carpet, but if you've been there, the carpet is really stiff. So it is not like I set up the tambourine on shaggy carpet and pushed it down, only to have the carpet raise back up, therefore knocking over the tambourine. It stayed upright on the carpet. I even walked and stomped around the tambourine. It was still standing up. I actually jumped up and down next to the tambourine, and it did not budge.

I am not saying that "Sallie" knocked it over, but it is really coincidental that we asked to knock it over and immediately it was knocked over.

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