Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-Blood Money 19-Apr 30 2021 By Anna VonReitz

3 years ago

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 19 - Bank Fraud April 30, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Not only have the so-called individual accounts never been balanced and the credit made available --- not even to pay public debts for the actual Creditors --- but bank operations have been deregulated and left without oversight to such an alarming degree that the entire industry is detached from reality. Literally.
The Mutually Assured Destruction quid pro quo and bank labor/function distribution routed through the Octagon Group holding company is a nightmare and no matter how fast they spin the hamster wheel or how many hamsters are added to it, the basic problems simply remain and get bigger.
Both the insurance industry and the practice of "fractional reserve banking" which allows the banks to loan out 7 to 10 times the amount that they are holding as capitalization represent legalized gambling.
The insurance racket plays the probabilities of an event happening, and with the banks, that "event" is the probability of depositors all wanting their deposits back on any given day---a bank run, or, simply having a "margin crisis" which is a limited bank run, that forces them to borrow short term funding from other banks.
As the banks are all bankrupt entities themselves, they have no motivation not to gamble. They can't be held accountable.
Even if there is a bank run by depositors and the banks are left with both pockets turned inside out, they can shrug and say, "We've been bankrupt since 1933. What do you expect us to do about it?"
They are bullet-proof against any claim a depositor can make, and they know this, so they have no motive to protect depositors and depositors are left with the ugly demand, "You want bank services or not?"
The initial problem -- the over-extension of credit far beyond the assets of the bank-- becomes compounded as the banks seek to leverage their interest margins on each loan transaction and spin the wheel faster, faster, faster.
It's oddly like the difference between simple interest and compound interest. The banks increase the number of loans and the speed of the loan transactions to, in effect, extract more interest and do it faster and more efficiently. Interest accruals that used to be collected at the end of each day are now collected by the second.
The AI System that makes this possible doesn't evaluate the transactions, it simply aims to maximize the loan deposits and the interest accruing to the deposits, because the interest on deposits is the bank's funding.

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