Energy Vampires by Loosh Farming ** Black Goo. Client Session.- #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

Energy Vampires by Loosh Farming ** Black Goo. Client Session.- #WorldPeaceProjects

This is an excerpt from a client session.

Shame, guilt, blame, FEAR are major belief systems that we all have imbedded in us.

Loosh Farming is exactly what the Matrix movie portrays when they show the fields where the humans are grown and that liquid coming out of them. That is Loosh Energy.

These beings, the controller being on the Etheric plane have long sought out to harvest Loosh energy. Which is energy that humans and animals excrete. It was learned that there is potent, concentrated energy developed through pain, fear, grief, trauma. We are impulsed to produce more Loosh to feed the Controller.

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions for the Q&A videos!

Anyone who would like to participate in next weeks Q&A please leave your questions in the comments below.
To all of my amazing clients, I am hoping you honor me with a testimonial of our work together.
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