Q&A. Spiritual Development. Receiving Contact. How To Upgrade - #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

Q&A. Spiritual Development. Receiving Contact. How To Upgrade - #WorldPeaceProjects

This is the Q&A series.

I am in Isinvlí, Ecuador.

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions for the Q&A videos!

Anyone who would like to participate in next weeks Q&A please leave your questions in the comments below.
To all of my amazing clients, I am hoping you honor me with a testimonial of our work together.
I am excited to bring you a fresh new website very soon.
And as a thank you, I am offering:

***10% discounts on 1 personal session with a written testimonial and a picture, if comfortable, and a 20% discount on 1 personal session with a video testimonial!***

I invite you to share with me!
What classes, courses and membership options would you like me to offer you?

*Please join us for our new podcast!

The Galactic Interstellar Council.
Every Friday. Studio A.
11 am to 1 pm PST on Revolution Radio.


▪️For healings and channelings:


Email: Chloe@worldpeaceprojects.global

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