UFO fleet in the skies of Israel

3 years ago

The video was posted on December 11, 2020 by tens of thousands of Israeli users on Facebook and Instagram.
The first reaction in the Israeli army was to ignore this strange phenomenon in a statement. The second reaction in Israel was when all the newspapers in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem were ordered to remain silent about this flight of the UFO fleet.
Several theories have been put forward. The first is that these are Israeli drones. The second is that these are micro-UFOs. The third is that these are real UFOs who visit Jerusalem every few years.
The big question is why the defense of the Israeli Iron Dome did not fire on these UFOs. Why is this still a mystery and no one is interested in talking about this extraterrestrial celestial phenomenon?
From November 2020 to the end of March 10, 2021, I received many photos and images of the flight of the UFO fleet from the continents of Europe and Asia.
I Want to believe we are not alone

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