Dear Mr. Trump....the Second Time April 28, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

2 years ago

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Dear Mr. Trump....the Second Time April 28, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we wrote to express our dismay with your apparently boundless ignorance regarding biology, virology, protein synthesis, and viral DNA and RNA disease vectors.
Now, we find that you are missing the point about all claims based on illegal patents are null and void. Those patents were issued under our authority without our knowledge or consent. They represent an entire history of illegal and indeed, criminal, patents. That history and those patents are individually and collectively coming to an end.
No commercial claims to the effect that anyone is rendered a "GMO" by virtue of ingesting any cellular level nanobot, engineered DNR or RNA fragment or similar "property" will be honored anywhere in this country and no patent issued by the U.S. Patent Office will be deemed lawful or protected that advances such a claim against living people.
Both slavery and peonage have been outlawed worldwide since 1926 and we are here to enforce the Public Law, regardless of whatever "Public Policy" any corporation adopts.
We have broken the codes and delved down to the roots and are applying the ax to those roots of evil even as this message gets forwarded to your new office address by scores of Americans.
You will either be part of the solution or part of the problem, and the choice is entirely up to you, as it is for all Americans. For those of us who have returned to the land and soil of this country and to whom your corporations owe all duty and due diligence, as well as all your debt, the answer going forward is obvious.
We have announced our intentions. We are enforcing the Constitutions. We are issuing the new American Credit Certificates to settle the Federal Reserve Notes and underlying bonds.
Anyone caught trying to securitize or monetize bonds based on labor is engaged in international crime, and it doesn't matter if this is done in one of the States or in the Territories and Possessions. All the Usual Suspects can forget about using Puerto Rico or the Mariana Islands as pirate bases.
From now on, the hunters have become the hunted and there will be no rest for the wicked.
So make up your mind, Mr. Trump. Loyal American? Or Company Man? You either stand behind the American Creditors and protect them and their good health and welfare as an American, or you belly-up and kiss the feet of people like Nancy Pelosi.
Your quid pro quo with us is wearing thin. Any idea that your USA, Inc. is going to be able to keep the same old game going with the US, Inc. players and use these outrageous "Human GMO" claims to further more claims against Americans is going to end on the end of a rope.
And no, it really doesn't matter what the "U.S. Supreme Court" opines, because at the end of the day, we are the only Supreme Court in the room. And we own it all. Right down to the spike on the flag.

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