3 years ago

Water-powered engines are a fantasy to most people, but they don't realize that it is very simple to power an engine on water, even a high school student can do that, but the challenge comes in whereby brute force electrolysis is an inefficient method of generating HHO gas that we can use to power our engines. The better way to run an engine on the water is here Am talking about the electrolysis where you get stainless steel plates grade 316L, and you insert them in an electrolytic solution e.g potassium hydroxide(KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Here you need a lot of power to produce one liter of HHO gas, most of the power is lost due to the internal resistance of the cell in form of heat. The few people like (the late Stanley Meyers) who completely achieved the goal of running their engines on the water did not use this form of brute force electrolysis. Instead, they used another certain form of electrolysis whereby the water molecule is just cracked or fractured by high voltage and that leads to the production of high dense energy which is 3 times that of gasoline. Most people don't know that if you fracture water molecules at a high voltage you generate both HHO and hot steam, it is only this combination that can generate a large force to push the piston down to BDC. I want you to do some experiment by getting a spark plug, then connect a high voltage to it like 5kv and above, then spray a fine water mist on the two terminals of the spark plug, there will be a loud bang and a heavy flashlight. Now trust me if you make an experiment on the above idea I gave you then trust me in a few weeks your power generator will be running on water. If you are running your engine on hydrogen now, try to introduce a fine water mist to the inlet port of your carburetor, let the hydrogen and the water mist go into the engine at the same time, you can create the fine water mist by using ultrasonic water mist makers or you can take advantage of the engines vacuum pressure. If you combine the two then the amount of power will be maximum compared to when you are running the engine on hydrogen alone. I learned all the above stuff when I found this pdf file It will give you step by step guide on how to convert an engine run on the water plus different people who have achieved the goal and how they did it. If you follow this guide very well trust me in a few weeks you will have a water-powered engine, thanks.

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