Danette York Lies to the Public

3 years ago

Public Health has always been a county by county regional issue. One county’s situation can not be applied to another as numbers and statistics can vary so widely. Not only that, Butte County is a charter county meaning it has sovereignty and autonomy rights apart from the state and other larger county jurisdictional actions. This is a protecting factor against broad brush, wide sweeping, categorical applications made by outsiders who are not beholden to us and with whom Butte County residents/tax payers have no representation.

Further, the county BOS and Public Health department have refused to provide proof of a public health emergency-not only for our county, but for ANY county in California. That is because no where and at no time have we ever met the criterion for one by the standards of our own state constitution’s definition of the term. Never at any point has Covid patient demand overwhelmed any of our resources. This has been proven time and again as each county tries to cover up evidence which exposes the charade- from fraudulent PCR tests, to false diagnosis and false Covid death reporting- all in the name of HUGE government reimbursements to hospitals and county treasuries.

In 2019, governor Gavin Newsom premeditatedly signed AB262 which gave public health officers the ability to make arbitrary executive orders all in the guise of “safety” in the case of any “public health emergency”. He subsequently signed AB 1185 which would create sheriff oversight committees so that the board of supervisors in any county could fire any duly elected sheriff who would (god forbid) protect his own citizens, in favor of replacing them with their own Nazi brown shirts who would enforce arbitrary codes, mandates, rules, make false arrests and write false tickets for false rule breaking- all in a campaign of jackboot harassment of innocent business owners and patrons alike.

Remember, in the final analysis, Covid has been proven to have the same lethality rate as the common flu. The fact is no one has ever paid attention before. The numbers are the same. Anywhere from .01 to .02 for the general population, and 2 to 4% for people over 70 with two or more comorbidities. We’re talking about very sick old people usually in nursing homes, very frail and sick, or people who are very unhealthy with multiple comorbidities. These are the same people who have always succumbed to the seasonal flu. These are the very people Who have died of this supposed Covid which has still never been isolated in a lab. All they know is it is a coronavirus which they all have spike proteins. This is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on Americans and they have global communist regime controlled main stream media pushing the narrative and all the divisive tactics that are destroying the country and praying on the most vulnerable and ignorant and hateful amongst us. People who watch CNN and the like are truly the most depraved and misinformed people on the planet. They are sick and they like to wallow in lies and hatred. They would be the very people who turned in the Jews to the Nazis in 1930s Germany. They are the people who would’ve cheered and applauded when innocent people were burned at the stake, drowned or hang to death in the Salem witch current days in early colonial America. These people truly are the sickest amongst us.

Danette York is the mouthpiece for our absentee, Soros funded disciple Dr. Bernstein Public Health Officer. You can see just how haughty, arrogant and contemptuous she is of people righteously reacting to the felonious fraud in which she has been such a willing (and WELL PAID) participant .

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