Magic spell to do before a job interview

3 years ago

A simple magic spell to perform prior to a job interview to ensure that it goes well.

Mix a drop of honey into a cup of cold water. Clockwise. Chant into the formed vortex:
“Everyone loves honey: the old and the young, the rich and the poor, men and women; even insets and animals love honey.
As I drink this, I’ll become as sweet as honey. As I wash my face with this, it becomes likable as honey. So, everyone will love me. As this honey sweet, so I am to everyone. Any place I go to, I am welcomed and loved there. “
Keep mixing and chanting until the honey completely dissolves. The seal it with “So mote it be.” Pour a little into your hand and sprinkle your face. Do not wash it off. Let it dry. Drink the rest of the water.

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