[War Thunder] Economy Changes - May 2021

3 years ago

Gaijin is bringing out the biggest, most sweeping economy changes in a long time starting early May! This list of changes may put you in the money... or in the poor house. Check out the details here!

The Link: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/523038-planned-economy-changes-in-may/

The Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vQz1PHvpq_cClhIM3eUhCvVmDMbfyQbK3XyWGAR6d1iXFvFGBQimfa3cQ5RYd1-IzgoHtsuaEQM38hl/pubhtml#

The Forum Thread: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/523032-planned-economy-changes-in-may/

- About War Thunder -

War Thunder is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) tactical combat game where you control tanks, planes, ships or helicopters in combined forces battles! Published by Gaijin Entertainment since 2012, it's a long-running game with a variety of content, plus multiple modes of play from the casual gamer to the not-quite-hardcore simulator fans. (It doesn't really broach on the territory of simulator fans, but it does have a lightly sim-like mode.) Vehicles stretch from just before World War II all the way to the modern age, faithfully reproduced as closely as documentation and (in some cases) game balance will allow.

-About OldDeadMan-

OldDeadMan produces family-friendly gaming content across a spectrum of interests! Harkening back to classic adventure game series such as Space Quest and Monkey Island to modern tactical shooters, zombie apocalypse survival horror and warfare games such as War Thunder, ODM loves to play the game and share the often-messy results. Join up in OldDeadMan's crypt for gaming fun and off-beat humor!

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