Our Lady Fatima- The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart X

3 years ago

Two different reactions to this Third Secret. Presupposition, it is more literal than symbolic.

Usual, horror, catastrophe. Cadavers in the street of religious, Pope brutally gunned down. Typical Catholic reaction.
What if you were a SRA survivor? What if your life had been decimated by the Church, Pope, and coverup (James Grein, Agatha, …) ? A second possible reaction could be Relief that the Lord is stepping in to rid the Church of evil leadership and complicit clergy & laity. Purifying Her in a way that the hierarchy is plainly incapable of doing.
In 2000, given appearances things on an upswing. JPII incredible crowds, authentic renaissance, Fr. Apostoli eyes at the moment tell him. Ship in hands of a good captain.

Not the world but Russia consecrated.

Thus, my inability to tell You what to believe is impossible.

4th apparition MOG August 19, 1917

Children arrested & imprisoned in house of local administrator could not attend on the 13th

Sun grew pale, atmosphere was a sickly yellow

Facing death rather than reveal Our Lady’s Secrets, rosary in prison

25K crowds

Children Released Aug 15

Aug 19 Our Lady appears to children in Valinhos pasture away from usual site

Lucia asks Our Lady her usual question, what do you want of me? The Lady responds,

“I want you to continue going to the Cova de Iria on the 13th and to continue praying the Rosary every day. In the last month [October], I will perform a miracle so that all may believe.

“Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners. For many souls go to Hell because there is no one to pray for them.”

5th Apparition MOG September 13, 1917

Prepare for the Great Miracle to Come


Lucia, “What do you want of me?” Our Lady, “Continue to pray the Rosary in order to obtain the end of the war.”

A luminous globe appeared while children remained hidden in a cloud. Lucy asked Our Lady to cure the sick. “Some will be cured, but not all because Our Lord has no confidence in them.”[1]

Our Lady predicted that St. Joseph and the Child Jesus would be with her on October 13. “In October, Our Lord will come as well as Our Lady of Dolours (sorrows) and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. St. Joseph will appear with the Child Jesus to bless the world.”

Children threatened horrifying, pot of burning oil to reveal secrets. Our Lady prepared them well. Disingenuous sacrificed so much to guard secrets, Church to be cavalier about them is something to think about.

[1] http://www.fatimacentennial.com/timeline  accessed April 12, 2021

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