What’s coming next! Where are we at right now in America

3 years ago

The United States military is being politically cleansed of all non-leftists: a.k.a. anyone who is to the righthand political direction of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Centrists are now “right wing“ so if you’re in the center that means you’re *not in the left. Non-leftists, anybody who has any constitutional or right hand leaning thought processes is being kicked out of the military as “untrustworthy.” Because they don’t trust you to go along with the bloodbath plan they have in mind. You would be a risk because you wouldn’t go along with betrayal against your country. So take note!

That’s where this is at. And anyone with a centrist or right hand opinion, or a non-leftist opinion is getting kicked out of the military. They’re cleansing the military of people who have varying opinions because the regime is preparing to tell the military kill people. American people. They don’t want anyone with any sympathy or loyalty towards the general American population. They want a politically unbalanced military so that they can attack the other side with gusto.

We are in a banana republic and shit is getting real.

Dear countries of the world everywhere, as an American I hereby symbolically drape my flag upside down and declare SOS! The same as the Canadians did at Niagara Falls. The rightful presidency by constitutional electoral vote and by sheer majority of votes, in reality not in falsified Fraud, was overthrown. The rightful presidency was overthrown in a coup against Donald J Trump on January 6 as Fraud was certified by the traitor Pence and the traitors in Congress.

While most of the senate was off together on an undisclosed pacific island getaway, a representative few were in DC on January 6 to certify the election fraud and make a satanic hand symbol together.

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