My Covid-19 fever

3 years ago

painted this mural a few weeks after what seemed to be an endless fight to lower my fever Feb 2020. I spent 4 months fighting covid. 68 days of those were spent fighting for my life. The Devil, it came for me, I saw its eyes burning orange and red. I could hear it moking my suffering and salivating at my upcoming demise. My light faded, my hope diminished, this creature had my soul, it consumed my very essence, it was here for nothing less then the delight in my pain, my fear and the added prize of my suffering.
At last moment, a feeling of rage filled my chest, my son!! My God, my son!! all I could see was my child crying, missing me and wondering what to do. I'm all He has... He was lost in this vison and it was all I needed to fight. My light came back, I fought for many months, I did everything to deny that moment, deny this death in its entirety. Not one demon nor evil intity is bond to me. My God is my spiritual bond, my light, my shield, my sword and my guide. My Lord is powerful but he needs me, us, his children to stand for him now more then ever before. Good is fading in all corners. We must be strong and send this damn thing back to the fooking depths of hell where it came.
"fear profits man nothing"
I saw his plan of death of decay, felt it's sick pleasure in my suffering and the odd joy in which it feeds off our fear. Feed not the beast anymore is all I can say for it will not give you quarter when the time comes to battle for ones soul..

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